PSHE Our Vision… At Carfield, we aim for our pupils to be unique, positive, mindful individuals. We, as staff want to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active,...

School Streets

School Streets Our School Street  By closing the road outside our school (Argyle Road) to traffic at the busiest times of the school day (when children are arriving and leaving) we are helping to make our school entrance safer, quieter with cleaner air for everyone to...

Home Learning

Home Learning new information coming soon Links &...


Writing Our Vision… At Carfield, we aim for all our pupils to become skilled, fluent writers. We want pupils to combine a love of reading with a love of writing and be able to use what they have read to write for a range of audiences and purposes. Pupils will...


Reading Our Vision… Here at Carfield reading is at heart of our curriculum. It is our aim to promote a life -long love of reading and books through daily reading lessons, independent reading, reading in the wider curriculum and story time. Reading is a prominent...