
Reporting Absence

  • My child is poorly

If your child is not well enough to attend school, you must inform school every day they are absence. You can do this calling school on 0114 2557534, and pressing 1 to leave us a voicemail message. Please provide

  1. your child’s full name
  2. your child’s class
  3. a brief explanation of the reason for absence.
  • My child has a medical or dental appointment

If you child needs to attend a medical appointment during school hours, please inform the school office as soon as you are able. Do not inform your child’s class teacher as they are unable to authorise your request.

Attending a medical or dental appointment will be authorised as long as the school office is notified in advance. We will request to see confirmation of the appointment. This could be a letter, text message or appointment card. Evidence can sent to, or shown to staff at the school office.

  • Can I take holidays during term-time?

The head teacher will only grant a leave of absence to a pupil during term time if they consider there to be ‘exceptional circumstances ‘Leave for holidays WILL NOT be granted, as outlined in the guidance provided by the Department for Education (September 2023).

As a school, we must observe the guidelines provided by the Local Authority. Please see the link below to the steps that school will take in the event of a term-time holiday.

  • Punctuality

At Carfield Primary School, the school day starts at 8:40am. Your child should be on the school grounds and ready to begin their learning at this time. School gates open at 8.30am for pupils and parents to enter the school site. Pupils arriving after 8.40am will be marked late.

The school gates are locked automatically at 8:50am. This it to ensure the safety of our pupils, and the security of the school building. You are likely to experience delays if you arrive after 8:50am.

If you arrive between 8.50-9.00am your child will be signed in (including lunch choice) at the main gate by a member of SLT and/or a member of the attendance team. Your child will then be able to go straight to classroom, parents will not need to enter the school site.

For any pupils arriving after 9.00am, you will need to enter the school through the main gate (using the intercom) and sign in through the main reception.

Please inform us of any circumstances which may affect your child’s punctuality, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

  • Our attendance policy

Please see the link below for out Attendance and Punctuality policy.

  • Contact us

At Carfield, we endeavour to support our families. If you need support with your child’s attendance to school, please email

You can also phone school directly, and ask to speak to Ms Hugo.