
At Carfield Primary School, we take the safeguarding of children very seriously. We have a strong culture of safeguarding and all staff are aware that safeguarding is important.

We make sure that children feel happy and safe and that all children know they can speak to a member of staff if they have any worries or concerns.

We pride ourselves on strong relationships and we work very closely with outside professionals to ensure that relevant support is provided. We work closely with Social Care, Family Intervention Service (FIS), health visitors and other schools.

Any decisions that we make we make in regard to children and keeping them safe is spoken about with parents as we are here to support families.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and everyone has a role to play. If you have any concerns regarding your child/ family or another family, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of our safeguarding team. The school phone number is 0114 2557534 or, if for any reason you are unable to speak to a member of our safeguarding team, you can call the safeguarding hub on 0114 2734855

The Safeguarding Team which consists of:-

Bethan Arthur

Bethan Arthur- Assistant Headteacher, SENCo and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 

Hannan Mohammed

Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD)

Kay Johnson

Learning Mentor/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD)

Afra Hugo

Home to School Link Worker/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) 
(Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday)

Emma Williams

Learning Mentor/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) 

Sarah Hutchinson

Early Years Lead/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) for Early Years Foundation Stage 

Adele Whiting

After School Club Lead/ Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) for After School Club 

Derek Grover

Chair of Governors/ Safeguarding Governor
If you would like to speak to the safeguarding team then please call the school office on 0114 2557534.